Miles of musings on the road to Marathon #8. Running, teaching, and bird sightings guaranteed.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Where does the time go?

I mean really. Weeks here, days there. I was reminded of the abitraryness of the calender the other day as I filled in my daily training log. Perhaps I was just reminded of the lunacy of keeping a daily running log. Do I ever look back and compare? Yes, well in fact I do occasionaly. But here I've been dutifully running my 35-ish miles per week and thinking I was doing well and feeling pretty good about it when I noticed this week that while I have been running these 35 miles between monday and sunday, your traditional 7 day grind, I have been doing closer to 49 miles when I look at Thurs to Tuesday! So where's my week? I am a slave to the mon-sun system but I'm training on a Thurs-Tues system!
Oh woe is me!

You know you have too many pairs of old running shoes when:
You wear one of each from two separate pairs in the running pile to work.

Birds are returning:
Redwing Blackbirds
Red Tail Hawks


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