Miles of musings on the road to Marathon #8. Running, teaching, and bird sightings guaranteed.

Friday, July 14, 2006

I'm Back!

Not that anyone really cares. But I'm going to try and revive the blog and see how it goes. What have I been doing all this time?
Well I tried my hand at teaching Community College (Good class, bad pay)
I travelled to the UK, California, Oregon, Vermont, Montreal, Boston, and Puffer's Pond.
Ran 2 marathons (one slow, one not so slow)
I began my career as a High School Science Teacher, jumping in to replace a teacher who couldn't manage the classes she had. (her loss, my gain).
I learned Biology, and taught it.
I am now planning to return for year two, learning to teach Environmental Science in addition to my new bio course, and the old favorite earth science.
Year two promises to be at least as much an adventure as year one.


Blogger running guy said...

Good to know that you are back in the blogging world as well. Are you teaching in Amherst this Fall?


9:38 PM


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