Miles of musings on the road to Marathon #8. Running, teaching, and bird sightings guaranteed.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Crash Convergence?

My harddrive crashed and burned the other day. Bad. Like really bad. The clicking sound of death. No luck with any tricks at home. No OS would even be recognized. Nothin'.
So off to the shop it went and several hundred buckaroos with it.
So they recovered some data and replaced the drive and reinstalled the OS. Then they say, oh by the way we can't see the other internal drive on the machine, it's corrupted (not dead just corrupt). So blammo, there goes that data (whatever it might have been).

But that's not the end of crashing convergence, no not yet. At work the machines my wife works with, the email servers of a large northeast utility company, crashed unexpectedly and repeatedly, an activity which continues into this week.

I'm thinking sunspots or perhaps aliens.


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