A new PR!
At long last with very little training, a new Personal Record. I believe I may have found a way to set a new PR in every race. The trick? My secret? I should charge money for this. I'd be rich.
Run a different distance race every time. Never go back. Every one is different, every one a PR for that distance! Is that genius or what!
Seriously I traveled to the Worcester Memorial Firefighters 6k. (6 after the 6 Firefighters who lost their lives in the Warehouse Fire 8 years ago).
It was a great, well run and well attended race. About 1000 runners and clear city streets to run on. No hills to speak of made it an easy not-really-racing-race for me. And there was family at the finish for me with snacks.
But I must say that a little racing did whet my appetite for more. I may train for that marathon after all...
stay tuned!
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