Miles of musings on the road to Marathon #8. Running, teaching, and bird sightings guaranteed.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

That kind of runner

I always used to pride myself on not being that kind of runner. The one that wears headphones and listens to music while running. Well times change. I think it's my overall attitude toward the miles I'm putting in. I'm not in any kind of planning or training mode, it's simply about running survival, putting in miles so I don't forget how. The ubiquitous ipod has got me in it's clutches. It's just so darn conveinient that I can't help myself, light distracting, friendly. Now keep in mind the volume is low enough to still allow for cars not to sneak up on me.
I'm hoping that as the weather continues to warm and the miles inevitably pile up that the 'pod can rest at home for a while. Especially as the birds return and can entertain me.
Spring marathon? Looking ever so unlikely as the season unfolds. Stay tuned. I may wing it anyway.


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