Miles of musings on the road to Marathon #8. Running, teaching, and bird sightings guaranteed.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

New Shoes, New PR!

Why is it that when you get new shoes you get faster immediately? Happened to me just today. Beautiful run around Lake Wyola, a little over 100 runners and temps in the 70's. dee-lightful. And the new shoes performed wonderfully as well, no hot spots, no loose fit issues. And a nearly 2min PR for the distance (4.8miles)

I love summer running. The woods are absolutely alive and green and the smells of summer are everywhere. Gotta watch out though in the woods, rounding a corner in the woods last week, miles from anywhere what should I run into? A Black Bear!!
Not exactly the ideal sight. Fortunately for me it was walking perpendicular to me on the trail and crossed and went into the woods. I heard it crashing away as I made myself conspicuous. Phew!

1 week into marathon training. The total milage: Around 30, depending on how I count my long run lost in the woods. So I came in a little high from the estimate plan but took a few late week days off and the legs felt good racing today. Temps are expected to rise this week and the 90's will be upon me so we'll see what I can do with that.
Woods runs might have to happen, that or pool/swimming runs and late day evening runs.
It does feel good to be running as much as I am. The endurance is not quite there but it's coming, it's coming.


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